Find 3 differences between the grandmother knitting sweater pictures in 15 seconds!

A grandma is pictured sitting on a sofa in the image posted above. She's got a sweater on her needles.  

Readers have fifteen seconds to identify the three distinctions that exist between the two images.  

Your time begins now!Some distinctions are obvious, but others take further inspection.  

Because of this, readers must be extremely focused in order to distinguish the variations between the two images.   

According to studies, these kinds of activities activate the parts of the brain linked to memory and focus.  

The time is up. How many of you were able to identify every difference in the allotted time?  

Kudos to the readers who managed to identify every distinction. Out of all the readers, you guys are the greatest at making observations.  

Those who couldn't locate the answers should do these tasks regularly to improve their observational skills.  

Readers are welcome to compare their responses to the following solution.  

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Optical Illusion: Find S among the numbers in 4 seconds!