You have a incredibly high driving IQ if you can spot the mistake in mind-boggling road scene 

Even the best puzzle solvers are having a hard time with THIS optical illusion. Before you try this one, make sure you have gas in your tank, because it will be bumpy!


If you can find the mistake on the road, you're a smart driver. The picture shows a car in the country on a beautiful day. There are no clouds in the picture.


But there's a mistake in the picture, and it's your job to find it. 


Have you seen it yet? Do you need help? Take different parts of the picture apart and look for something strange. 


The answer to the puzzle about the road scene is on the sign. Did you find it?


Here is the answer.


You have 20/20 vision if you can see the egg hidden among the sweet treats in less than 10 seconds 


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