Top 10 Seeds To Boost Your Health, Ranked


1. Chia Seeds


This food is full of fiber, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids. Give long-lasting energy and help the digestive system stay healthy.  

2. Flaxseeds 


A lot of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and lignans inside it. Known to be good for your heart and may help reduce swelling.  

3. Hemp Seeds


Full-spectrum protein and omega-3 fatty acids in large amounts. Have anti-inflammatory effects because they contain gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).  

4. Pumpkin Seeds 


It has a lot of iron, magnesium, and zinc. Help the defense system work and keep the heart healthy.  

5. Sunflower Seeds 


Selenium, magnesium, and vitamin E are all found in large amounts. Could help lower swelling and improve skin health.  

6. Sesame Seeds 


It has a lot of iron, calcium, and zinc. Help keep bones healthy and provide vitamins.  

7. Quinoa 


Quinoa seeds are full of protein, fiber, and important nutrients, even though they are not really a meal. All nine necessary amino acids are found in this protein, making it a complete protein.  

8. Pomegranate Seeds 


A lot of antioxidants, especially anthocyanins and punicalagins. Help keep your heart healthy and may reduce inflammation.  

9. Watermelon Seeds  


Protein, magnesium, and good fats can be found in large amounts. Contains nutrients like iron and zinc that are good for your health.  

10. Safflower Seeds 


With a lot of vitamin E and healthy fats. Help keep your heart healthy and may reduce inflammation.  

10 High-Protein Desserts for Your Sweet Tooth, According to a Dietitian 

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