Things That Will Be Lost Forever When Boomers Are Gone

Giant China Sets That Are Used Once Or Twice In A Lifetime

“My great-grandmother left me beautiful china. Beautiful. And in my office closet box.”"I have one but am unlikely to utilize it. My paternal great-grandmother had the cabinet and my maternal great-grandmother. 

Covering Up Hardwood Floors With Carpet

“My parents bought their first house in the 1980s. We spent our first nights in our new house scraping the carpet and padding bonded to the gorgeous hardwood flooring to restore it as a family. 

Phone Books

As long as businesses buy advertising, they make them. Nobody wants the books.”“My Gen X father moved and began job searching via the phonebook, so it will be around for a while.”


“I still pay my utilities with checks because card and autopay incur a $7 “convenience fee”. Sending checks is free. Stamps cost less than $7.


“Except when Boomers' children inherit them. I know a family that accumulates timeshares and has discussed which millennial kids get which. Now the kids bought some.”

Affordable Housing

Not simply housing. In their prime, groceries and tuition were cheaper.”Dead people don't need homes. I think the market will require less then.”

7 Kitchen Trends Southern Designers Predict Will Be Everywhere In 2024

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