The 11 Amazing Fruits For Weight Loss


1. Berries 


Berries, like raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries: Berries are low in calories, full of fibre, antioxidants, and vitamins, and they can help you satisfy your sweet tooth.  

2. Apples 


Apples are a handy, portable snack that are high in fibre and make you feel full.  

3. Grapefruit 


Some studies show that grapefruit may have qualities that help people lose weight. Eating half an orange before a meal might help you feel full.  

4. Watermelon 


Watermelon: Because it's mostly water, watermelon can help you stay refreshed and full while also being low in calories.  

5. Pears 


Pears are high in fibre, which can help your stomach and make you feel full.  

6. Oranges 


Oranges are a good source of vitamin C, and they are also naturally sweet and low in calories.  

7. Avocado 


Avocado: Compared to other foods, avocados have more calories, but they are high in healthy fats that can help you feel full.  

8. Kiwi 


Kiwi is low in calories and high in fibre, so it can be a healthy addition to a diet that is meant to help you lose weight.  

9. Pineapple 


Pineapple: This tropical fruit has an enzyme called bromelain that may help your body digest food. But because it has natural sugar in it, balance is key.  

10. Bananas 


Apples are lower in calories than some other fruits, but bananas are high in potassium and can be a snack that makes you feel full and gives you energy.  

11. Cherries  


Cherry is low in calories, full of vitamins, and can be a tasty and sweet treat.  

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