How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Areca Palm

A low-maintenance tropical tree that makes a great houseplant? A steady home environment is ideal for Areca Palm, a beautiful plant. 

Allow your outdoor plant to grow. These palms reach 30' tall and 10' broad.Think about this before palming. April is best for outdoor planting. Season doesn't affect indoor planting.


Areca palms grow slowly and want to be root-bound. When choosing a pot, consider that it should only be 4”-6” larger than the root ball.


Bright, indirect light is optimal for Areca palms. The plant can thrive in low to moderate light, but it will die without enough light. 


Palms prefer organic, acidic, well-draining soil. They like moist soil, but their roots can absorb too much, so drain it. Commercial palm soil mixes are excellent for this plant. 


These tropical plants love water. They like damp soil but root decay in waterlogged soil. Soil and container must drain well. Setting a watering schedule is easier.


Mild to moderate climates suit areca palms. Protect your palm from temperature changes—this plant likes 65–75°F indoors. Drafts, heating, and cooling vents stress this plant.

Climate and Temperature

Spring and summer areca palms grow. Fertilize in spring and summer and rest in fall and winter for best results. This salt-sensitive plant's roots are damaged by overfertilization. 


Maintenance and Care

Slow growth means Areca palm needs less repotting. Increase the pot size by 4-6” every 2-3 years to keep your plant growing and producing new roots. This plant prefers rooting and is compact.

Many pests and diseases kill Areca palms. Prevention is ideal but not always possible.This needs separating palms from other plants. Before indoors, check fresh plants. Prevents sickness.

Also See

How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Banana Plants