How to Get a Workout in While Traveling

Schedule Workout

Plan time to exercise, whether it's a brief trip to the hotel gym before meetings or a run before bed. Planning a workout will help you plan your day and avoid accidental exercise. Rent bikes, hike, or swim while on vacation to exercise.

Walk, Walk, Walk

Walking is one of the greatest and easiest activities for business trips with back-to-back meetings. Are you a mile from the convention center? Why not walk instead of taking a cab?

Exercise in Your Hotel Room

No hotel gym? Not an issue. Most hotel rooms are big (or you can make them so by moving a table or chair), and there are several bodyweight-only workouts online.

Look Up Bike-share Program

Traveling to a city makes it probable you can pedal. Bike-share programs are available in most major cities for short-term use.

Make the Most Out of the Airport

If you fly, you may spice up the wait. A laptop bag and carry-on bag are ideal for the farmer's walk. Simple but effective: walk with heavy objects in your hands. 

Make the Most Out of the Plane Too!

Sitting for lengthy durations might impair circulation and stiffen you. Step into the aisle and stretch every two hours on a long flight with squats and forward lunges.

See Also

06 Major Benefits of Walking