How to Be Happy: 12 Habits to Add to Your Routine 

You smile while happy. A two-way roadway Smiling makes us happier because the brain releases dopamine. The "facial feedback hypothesis," which suggests that facial expressions may slightly affect emotions, may explain the link between smiling and happiness.


Exercise benefits beyond your body. Regular exercise reduces stress, anxiety, and sadness and boosts self-esteem and fun. A little exercise helps. Don't scale a cliff or train for a triathlon unless it makes you happy. Do not overdo. If you start a rigorous routine suddenly, you may get disheartened and sore.


Most adults need 7 hours of sleep per night. If you feel sleepy during the day or feel foggy, your body may require more rest. Even while modern society encourages less sleep, we know that proper sleep is essential for health, brain function, and emotional well-being.

Get plenty of sleep

Carbohydrates release serotonin, a mood booster. Simple carbs—sugar and starch—provide a temporary energy boost that crashes. Choose complex carbs like veggies, legumes, and whole grains to avoid a crash and receive serotonin.

Eat With Mood In Mind

Being appreciative boosts mood and other benefits. Gratitude can boost hope and happiness, according to a two-part study. You might start each day by listing one blessing. You can do this while brushing your teeth or waiting for a snoozed alarm.

Practice Gratitude

Kindness may also improve your health, according to research. Sincere compliments are a quick way to make someone's day and enhance your own happiness. Look them in the eye and smile to show you mean it. You may be shocked how amazing it feels.

Give A Compliment 

You feel stiff, your shoulders are tight, and you might “lose it.” We've all felt that. Instinct may tell you to breathe deeply to relax. It was a good instinct. Research shows that slow and deep breathing minimise stress.

Breathe Deeply 

Good attitudes are good, yet unpleasant things happen to everyone. A fact of life If you get terrible news, make a mistake, or feel down, don't pretend to be joyful. Let yourself be unhappy for a moment. Focus on why you feel this way and how to heal.

Acknowledge The Unhappy Moments

A journal helps you arrange, examine, and plan. Profit doesn't require literary genius or prolific writing. Writing down thoughts before bed helps. Writing makes you nervous? Shred thereafter. Process matters Not sure how to manage all the page emotions? Our feelings organisation guide may help.

Keep A Journal

It's impossible to escape all pressures in life. No need. Stress can be beneficial, and our views about it can alter. Sometimes, stress pays off. Everyone has stress, so don't blame yourself for those you can't avoid. You're probably stronger than you realise. Instead of becoming overwhelmed, face the stressor. 

Face Stress Head-On

Comparing oneself to others is easy on social media, at work, or in yoga class. The result? Trusted Source less contentment, self-esteem, depression, and anxiety may result. It takes discipline to quit comparing yourself to others, but inner serenity and pleasure are worth it.

Avoid comparing yourself to other

Set a 15-minute timer on your phone and clean up a closet or junk drawer. Toss or donate any unnecessary clutter and organise everything. Keep a giving box to simplify things. 


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13 Best Food Sources of Lean Protein