How and When to Repot Houseplant

When To Repot Houseplant

Repotting houseplants when needed is macro-optimal. We've all brought a new houseplant home and wanted to transplant it right away, but waiting until it's not agitated reduces risk.

One of the simplest ways to tell whether your houseplant is having trouble is to look for signs like roots creeping through drainage holes.

1. Roots in Drainage Hole 

Topsoil may reveal roots before they emerge from the container. Growing upwards is unusual for roots and indicates they have no more room at the bottom of the container and are looking up.

2. Topsoil has roots

Dry soil indicates insufficient water for your houseplant. Seeing the dry soil, you may bottom water to fully soak it without water spilling down the sides. 

3. Dry Soil

No leaf or stem growth occurs when roots circle each other without a way out. The plant will be imprisoned if roots are locked since they grow above soil.

4. Stunted Growth

How To Repot Houseplant

You can repot correctly after deciding with these simple procedures. Though repetitious like watering, it may be therapeutic. Connect with your houseplants instead of a chore.

Find your houseplants' new containers before touching them. When repotting, size is most crucial, but design and substance always matter. Unfortunately, gardeners often get it wrong.

1. Choose A New Container 

After soil, consider soil mix. Houseplants are soil-picky and don't like changes. You can't just take garden soil and hope for the best.

2. Prepare Your Soil Mix

After preparation, you can start repotting. The easiest step is removing the plant from its container.

3. Remove The Plant

Gently rake roots with fingertips to remove them. This helps them grow downward and outward into the new soil instead of staying set. Encourage side roots to grow.

4. Tease The Root

Fill the bottom of the pot with soil so the plant's base sits just below the rim during potting. Coffee filters over drainage holes prevent soil from escaping. 

5. Transplant

Water your plants after repotting to wet the soil and settle the roots. Watering will help them establish in the new soil and flourish as they don't like air.

6. Water Immediately

Reposition your plant after repotting and cleaning it. Plants recover faster from repotting with less changes in circumstances.

7. Replace The Plant

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