Gingerbread Bundt Cake Recipe

This gingerbread bundt cake is light and fluffy, and it has an incredible flavour! We finished it up with a caramel glaze that we prepared ourselves.


– 1½ sticks unsalted butter, softened (170g) – 1½ cups granulated sugar (300g) – ½ cup light brown sugar (106g) – 4 eggs, room temperature – 3 cups cake flour (342g) – 2 teaspoons ground ginger (4g) – 3 ½ teaspoon nutmeg (1g) – 3 teaspoons baking powder (12g) – ½ teaspoon salt (1g) – ½ cup molasses (160g) – 1 cup buttermilk (235g) – 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (4g) – ⅓ cup vegetable oil (64g) (We use canola oil) – ½ stick unsalted butter (57g) – 1 cup light brown sugar – ½ cup heavy cream (126g) – ½ teaspoon salt (2g) – 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (4g) – 1 Tablespoon light corn syrup (18g

Start with a 325-degree oven. Grease and flour bundt pan.In a medium bowl, mix cake flour, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and salt. Set aside after 30 seconds of whisking.



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In another bowl or measuring cup, combine buttermilk, vegetable oil, and molasses. Set aside.Mix softened butter in mixer bowl until smooth. Add sugar slowly and mix at medium speed for 3-5 minutes until lightened and frothy.



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After adding each egg, stir until the yolk is incorporated.On low speed, alternate adding flour and buttermilk, starting and finishing with dry ingredients.



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Two wet and three dry components will be added. Scrape bowl sides and bottom as needed. Just blend and smooth after last addition. Low-speed mix.



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Put the batter in the bundt pan and smooth the top with a spoon.Bake for 55–60 minutes at 325 degrees until a toothpick comes out clean or with a few crumbs.



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Bake times vary. Let it spring back when softly touched.Before turning out, let cool 10 minutes on a wire rack in the pan.About 7 cups of batter result from this recipe.



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Butter should melt over medium heat in a deep saucepan to avoid boilover.Add brown sugar and remaining ingredients and heat on medium-high.



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Mix without touching pan sides. When the mixture boils, reduce heat.Check periodically to avoid 6 minutes of boiling. It should bubble. Remove from heat after 6 minutes.



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Remember that caramel thickens when cooled. Pour it into a big glass casserole dish to cool faster. Cooling it using refrigeration is common.One-cup caramel sauce. Up to 2 weeks in an airtight fridge container.



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also see

also see

Peppermint Bundt Cake Recipe