Four Workouts That Help Manage Your Type 2 Diabetes

Aerobic Exercise

Cardiopulmonary exercise, often known as aerobic exercise, enhances oxygen supply, blood flow, and inflammation.

One of the most dangerous consequences of type 2 diabetes is diabetic cardiomyopathy, which impairs cardiovascular function. According to Frontiers in Endocrinology, aerobic activity lowers the incidence of this issue.

Strength Training

The ADA lists diabetes as an independent risk factor for muscular weakness and function decrease. Strength training is more important for type 2 diabetics over 50 due to age-related changes.

T2D increases the risk of bone and joint disorders, therefore strength training can help older persons with the illness support and stabilize their joints.


Chronic stress and sleep disruption worsen type 2 diabetes symptoms. He says both of these disrupt hormone control and cause inflammation, making the illness harder to manage.

Interval or Circuit Training

Interval or circuit training involves a sequence of exercises alternating with rest periods. The exercises, duration, and intensity might vary. 

See Also

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