Exercises To Prevent Muscle Loss – Beginner’s Guide


1. Bodyweight Exercises  


– Squat – Lunge – Push-up – Pull-ups or assisted pull-up – Plank

Resistance Training 

Resistance Bands  


– Bicep curl – Shoulder presse – Lat pulldown – Leg pre – Chest presse

Dumbbell Exercises 


– Goblet squat – Dumbbell row – Lateral raise – Dumbbell bench pre Tricep dip

2. Cardiovascular Exercise 


– Walking – Jogging – Cycling – Swimming – Elliptical training

3. Flexibility and Mobility 


Pre-workout leg swings and arm circles Post workout static stretches (hamstring, chest opener, calf) Yoga or Pilates for balance and flexibility. To prevent injuries and maintain range of motion, do flexibility exercises.

4. Balance and Stability 


Single-leg stands.  BOSU ball, balance board exercises on unstable terrain. Yoga or Tai Chi balance postures. Balance and stability become more crucial with ageing.

5. Progressive Overload 


To test and build your muscles, gradually increase workout intensity, duration, or resistance.

6. Rest and Recovery 


Schedule rest days for muscular recovery. Muscle healing and growth occur here.

7. Nutrition 


Get enough protein to maintain and develop muscles. Eat a nutritious diet.

8. Hydration  


Make sure you drink enough water to keep your body healthy and your muscles working well.

9. Consult a Professional 


If you can, talk to a fitness trainer or a doctor about what to do, especially if you already have a health problem. 

Simple Dancing Ideas For Weight Loss – A Fun Way to Burn Calories 

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