Butter Pecan Pound Cake Recipe

This Butter Pecan Pound Cake is really rich and soft, and it is absolutely amazing! It has an unmatched flavour and is quite juicy.


– 2½ cups whole pecans – 3 Tablespoons unsalted butter, melted (14g) – pinch of salt 3 sticks unsalted butter, softened (339g) – 1 cup white/granulated sugar (200g) – 2 cups light brown sugar (400g) – 5 large eggs, room temperature – 3 cups cake flour (342g) – ½ teaspoon baking powder (2g) – ½ teaspoon salt (2g) – 1 cup sour cream (242g) – ⅓ cup Milk (68g) – 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract (12g) – 1½ cups Chopped – 1 cup light brown sugar – ½ cup heavy cream (126g) – ½ teaspoon salt (2g) – 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (4g) – 1 Tablespoon light corn syrup (18g

Preheat oven to 350. Place 3 tablespoons butter on baking sheet. Stir in 2 ½ cups pecans to coat until melted (melts quickly).  Spread pecans and bake 6-8 minutes, stirring halfway. They roast fast. Salt sparingly if desired.



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Measure and finely chop 1 ½ cups of pecans. Set aside. These are batter ingredients. On top of the glazed cake will go the rest.Grease and flour a tube pan. Start with a 325-degree oven. See Notes.



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Mix cake flour, salt, and baking powder in a separate bowl for 30 seconds. Save for later.Use a stand mixer's paddle attachment to smooth the butter on medium speed.



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Gradually add brown and white sugar and beat until fluffy, 3–5 minutes.Blend each egg after adding it to integrate.Set aside the vanilla essence, milk, and sour cream in a medium basin or measuring cup.



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Add flour and sour cream alternately to the butter, sugar, and egg mixture while mixing at moderate speed. Start and finish with dry ingredients. (I add flour three times and sour cream twice). Only mix until combined.



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Add 1 ½ cups finely chopped nuts and stir gently. Scoop batterinto bundt pan and smooth with spoon to even out. Bake 60–70 minutes at 325.



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Check on the cake around 1 hour because baking timings vary. It's ready when a toothpick comes out clean or with a few wet crumbs.This yields 8–8.5 cups batter.Turn out after 10 minutes of pan cooling.



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Butter should melt over medium heat in a deep saucepan to avoid boilover.Add brown sugar and remaining ingredients and heat on medium-high.



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Mix without touching pan sides.When the mixture boils, reduce heat.Checkperiodically to avoid 6 minutes of boiling. It should bubble.Remove from heat after 6 minutes.Remember that caramel thickens when cooled.



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Pour it into a large glass casserole dish to cool faster. Cooling it using refrigeration is common.caramel sauce, 1 cup. Up to 2 weeks in an airtight fridge container.After the caramel and cake cool, spoon or pipe the caramel onto the cake using a disposable piping bag (tip snipped off).



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Add chopped or whole buttered pecans to taste.For 2-3 days, store the cake at room temperature in an airtight container or cake dome.



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also see

also see

Pineapple Pound Cake Recipe