Angel Food Cake Recipe

Angel Food Cake, which is both tasty and light, is the ideal dessert for any occasion because it is both elegant and delicious.


– 1½ cups egg whites from 10 or 11 large eggs – 1 teaspoon cream of tartar (3g) – 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (4g) – 1¼ cups cake flour (143g) – 1½ cups white sugar (300g) – ¼ teaspoon salt – 1 ½ cups heavy cream (360g) – ¼ cup powdered sugar (29g) – 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (4g)

Use an angel food cake or straight-sided tube pan (ungreased, non-stick). We used the next-to-last oven rack position. Do not heat the oven.



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Carefully separate each egg over a small basin, letting the white drip in (no yolks). Work towards the mixing bowl with each egg white. Even a little egg yolk can inhibit egg white whipping. This stage suits an egg separator.



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Mix egg whites, cream of tartar, and vanilla in your mixer. Stir with a whisk attachment on medium speed in a stand mixer until stiff peaks form. Set aside.



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Add flour, sugar, and salt to another basin. Stir at least one minute.Incorporate flour mixture into whipped egg whites ¼ cup at a time using a spatula. Lift and fold from the bottom of the mixing bowl to blend.



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Stir the batter in an ungreased tube pan to remove air pockets. Gently smooth the batter with the back of a spoon in the pan.If not already, lower the oven rack. Set the pan in the cool oven.



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Set the temperature to 325℉. Bake until the cake is golden brown and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. It will take 45–60 minutes. The top may brown before completion, so loosely cover with aluminium foil.



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After baking, flip the angel food cake pan upside down on the countertop for 1-1½ hours. After cooling, loosen the cake in the pan using a thin knife.We used a two-part Angel Food Cake pan with feet and a removable bottom/core.



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Lift off the pan. The pan's bottom/core must also be lifted using a knife.Use whipped cream and berries or serve the cake plain.



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Place the mixing bowl and whisk attachment in the freezer for 10 minutes.In the cooled mixing bowl, add whipping cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla. Beat on moderate speed, then medium high speed.Blend until stiff peaks form.



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Our whipped cream was applied using a large french tip 869 and strawberries and blueberries.If you add whipped cream like us. Serve the cake within an hour or two of refrigerating it in an airtight container, cake dome, or bakery box.



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also see

also see

Key Lime Pound Cake Recipe