7 Things Boomers Won’t Shut Up About 

Boomers adored the Pontiac Firebird's sleek lines and powerful engine. As expected from the name. Lack of fuel economy and modern technology deters Millennial buyers.


1. Cable TV

While most Gen Zers grew up on iPhones and never enjoyed calling friends on a landline, boomers have made it a routine comfort.


2. Landline

Are you frustrated when you can't find an online article? Not all boomers relate! This generation likes hand-written crosswords and trusted news.


3. Print Media

Boomers need more than a happy birthday text. This generation valued handwritten cards for their sentiment and personalization.


4. Greeting Card

Boomers spend more on kitchen appliances than younger generations, who use $20 coffee makers and hand mixers. A love of home cooking and entertaining and a need for the right cooling tool may drive this.


5. Specialty Home Appliance

Boomers see cars as status symbols and transportation, while younger generations prefer cheaper, smaller cars. Showing off their success will cost them more on transportation.


6. Larger Vehicle

Baby boomers shop differently than younger Americans due to their upbringing. Instead of spending time and money on in-person shopping, younger Americans prefer online shopping.


7. In-Store Shopping

Cars From The Boomer Era That Millennials Won’t Touch 


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