6 Yoga Poses To Help You Lose Belly Fat


1. Boat Pose  


1. Sat with legs out front on the floor. 2. Lean slightly back, spine straight. 3. Lift your legs above 45 degrees. 4. Touch your toes with parallel arms. 5. Hold the position as long as comfortable, engaging your core.  

2. Plank Pose


1. Start in a push-up with wrists beneath shoulders. 2. Stand straight from head to heels. 3. Hold the position with your core muscles as long as possible.  

3. Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III): 


1. Stand up. 2. Put your weight on one leg and straighten the other. 3. Reach your arms and torso forward. 4. Stand straight and parallel to the floor.  

4. Downward-Facing Dog 


1. Start on your hands and knees, wrists under shoulders, knees under hips. 2. Straighten legs and raise hips to ceiling. 3. Keep your head between your arms and heels on the floor.  

5. Bridge Pose 


1. Lay on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart. 2. Press through feet and elevate hips to ceiling. 3. Support your back with your hands beneath your back and arms on the mat.  

6. Wind-Relieving Pose 


1. Lay back and bring knees to chest. 2. Hug knees and raise head and shoulders off mat. 3. Keep the position, feeling a slight lower back and abdominal stretch.  

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