5 Exercises to Avoid in Your Ab Workouts Gym Experts Says  

Sometimes moving, twisting, or turning isn't enough. That's why some ab exercises are bad and ineffective. Some exercises are:


The expert says leg raises are often mistaken for abdominal exercises but work the legs. They can strain and injure the lower back.


1. Leg raises

The hip flexors dominate this exercise, which is bad for the abs. It requires crunching your upper body toward your knees and straining your lower back.


2. Roman chair crunche

Not a good abs exercise, hanging leg raises activate hip flexors more than abdominals.


3 Hanging leg raises

If you want to target the abdominal muscles, sit-ups are ineffective. Singh says hip flexors are their main focus.


4. Sit-ups

Crunches are common, but they focus on the outer abdominal muscle layer, the rectus abdominis. They concentrate on the top layer of the core and may damage your back.


5. Crunches

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