3 Zodiac Signs Let Go Of Toxic Relationship

You think your heart went to the School of Hard Knocks, but the cool thing about having been hurt by bad love is that you know what you can and can't do. You've tried to be the kind of person who accepts and


deals with the less appealing parts of relationships, but you're not a fool, Taurus. On September 15, 2023, when Mercury is straight, you will feel a surge of confidence.


You feel like you just woke up from a bad dream today because Mercury goes straight, which makes your memories clearer. What were your thoughts? You agreed to be with someone where all you see is.

that every day you lose yourself. This person you're dating doesn't seem to even see you, and you're not interested in the relationship anymore.


Well, this isn't how you thought your love life would turn out, and you're still not sure how things got so... dull and boring. You met someone a while back.

you found them interesting. After one thing led to another, you were in a relationship before you knew it during Mercury direct. You'll want to end the relationship for good.