13 Fabulous Fig Varieties for Your Home and Garden

The cultivar "Alma" is a mid-season fig. It yields fruit with a rich, sweet flavor and a juicy composition. The figs' flesh and skin are both brown.

1 - Alma

The midseason producer is Atreano. These trees grow swiftly and produce effectively but aren't big. The large figs have amber-pink flesh and yellow-green skin.

2 - Atreano

Late-season producer ‘Black Madeira’. The medium-sized fruit tastes great. They taste like berries and have black skin and crimson meat. ‘Black Madeira’ trees thrive in arid climates. 

3 - Black Madeira

‘Black Mission’ figs are popular at farmer's markets and grocery stores. Fruit ripens mid-season on these trees. The rectangular, pear-shaped fruits taste like berries.

4 - Black Mission

‘Brooklyn White’ yields two crops early in the season. The medium-sized fruits taste like berries and melon. ‘Brooklyn White’ trees are hardy and fruitful.

5 - Brooklyn White

‘Brown Turkey’ figs are popular and widely available. These trees are strong, productive, and easy to grow. Large and tasty, the fruit has reddish-brown skin and brown flesh.

6 - Brown Turkey

"Calimyrna" is a well-known fig variety that is extensively marketed in the commercial market, mostly as dried fruit. They taste like juicy melon.

7 - Calimyrna

‘Celeste’ figs, popular in the Southeast, should be readily accessible. Hardy and fruitful, these trees thrive in humidity. Early-season producer ‘Celeste’.

8 - Celeste

"Chicago Hardy" is a producer from the early season. This well-liked cultivar can withstand humid conditions and grows quite well in colder climates.

9 - Chicago Hardy

Mid-season producer ‘Conadria’. Large fruits with green to yellowish exterior and delicate pink flesh have a sweet melon-like flavor. The tree tolerates drought.

10 - Conadria

Desert King is a good early-season fig. Northwest and cooler regions favor these trees. These medium-sized fruits are green with scarlet flesh. The fertile ‘Desert King’ tree yields many tasty fruits.

11 - Desert King

Excellent mid-to-late season producer. Medium-to-large fruits stick. Their flesh is golden brown and skin yellow-green. Delicious honey-like flavor. Dry and humid climates suit Excel.

12 - Excel

‘Flanders’ figs are late-season. It thrives in dry conditions and struggles with dampness. ‘Flanders’ produces many firm, medium-sized fruits that don't split.

13 - Flanders

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