12 Beautiful Perennials You Can Grow Easily from Seed

Beard Tongue Penstemon, a drought-tolerant US native wildflower, is ideal for xeriscaping. The vivid tube-shaped blossoms attract hummingbirds.

1 - Penstemon

The yarrow is multicolored. It prospers in poor soil and drought. Besides these benefits, my established yarrow patch always blooms early spring through its early leaves.

2 – Yarrow 

Genuine species bee balm is brilliant pink, purple, and red. There are many fun hybrids. Blooms long, multiplies quickly, and tolerates most soils if well-draining. Pollinators love it!

3 – Bee Balm

This charming aster daisy has robust stem growth. Feverfew, often known as wild chamomile, has a therapeutic smell and attracts tiny helpful insects. 

4 – Feverfew 

Like miniature seahorses, calendula seeds are larger than most flower seeds and easy to work with. It's a short-lived perennial in zones 9-11, but an annual elsewhere. 

5 – Calendula 

Growing pollinator-attracting foxgloves is simple. Hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies with Dalmatian-spotted runways visit their downward-facing white, cream, vivid pink, and purple flowers. Effective! 

6 – Foxglove

Pincushion flowers thrive in cottage gardens, pots, and colorful cutting gardens. The first year plants blossom until frost. Ruffled flowers and seed pods for fall or next year bundles. 

7 – Scabiosa 

Large, terraced fields or walkways with Asian oriental poppies are impressive. Due of their eccentricity and bright colors. A gardener can start a fresh patch from seed, but they regenerate quickly. 

8 – Oriental Poppies 

One of the shortest ornamental grasses, blue grama has a unique flowering phase. In heat and high elevations, its wispy blue-green leaves grow in bunches. This plant likes dry weather. 

9 – Blue Grama Grass

The enormous tiny black-eyed Susan perennial is rarely happier. It can be planted wild or as a bouquet filler or border plant in a wild backyard garden with its three-leaved branches.

10 – Rudbeckia Triloba

White, pink, and purple flowering ground covers are more lovely. Its lush green foliage is beautiful before and after blooming. It will cover your winter ground easily. 

11 – Creeping Phlox 

This cartoon-like flower attracts bees and gives the landscape a unique lilac tint. It goes well with tall decorative grasses, bee balm, and brilliant cutting flowers. 

12 – Purple Coneflower 

Also See

11 Beautiful Plants For Hanging Baskets