11 Healthy Snacks To Support Gut Health


1. Pistachio


Pistachios are portable, shelf-stable, and blendable with sweet and savory foods. Pistachios include 10% insoluble and 0.3% soluble fiber. Pistachio fiber may help gut microbes manufacture butyrate, study finds.  

2. Kefir Smoothie 


Kefir is a drink made from soured yogurt that is very good for your gut. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and other probiotic microorganisms are found in large amounts in kefir. These microorganisms may help improve gut health.  

3. Avocado Toast


Adults should ingest 28 g of fiber daily to maintain gut health. Avocados include 9.25 g of fiber every 136-gram avocado (approximately one medium avocado), helping you achieve your daily fiber needs.  

4. Apple and Peanut Butter


Apples have a lot of fiber. With the skin on, a big apple that weighs 182 grams has 4.37 grams of fiber.  

5. Overnight Oat


Fiber-rich oats are great for the intestines. Beta-glucan in oats is easily fermented by large intestine microorganisms. SCFAs from fermentation improve gut health in various ways.  

6. Chia Pudding 


Minerals in chia seeds may aid digestion. Chia seeds have 9.75 g of fiber per ounce, more than one-third of your daily fiber intake. Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory polyphenols may lower intestinal inflammation and improve gut health.  

7. Greek Yogurt


Regularly eating probiotic-rich meals and drinks is good for your gut. S. thermophilus and Bifidobacterium animalis in yogurt can boost gut health by joining the gut bacteria community.

8. Berries and Cottage Cheese


Berries like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and plant chemicals that reduce inflammation, all of which are good for gut health.  

9. Hummus and Veggie Sticks 


A diet high in beans can help keep your gut healthy by supporting the growth of good bacteria and promoting regular, easy bowel movements.  

10. Green Salad with Salmon 


Arugula, kale, and spinach include gut-supporting fiber and carotenoid plant pigments. Due to their antioxidant properties, carotenoids maintain intestinal barrier function and reduce pro-inflammatory chemicals.  

11. Collagen Matcha Latte 


A collagen matcha latte calms the intestines. Hot and cold drinks can include collagen protein. Research suggests regular collagen supplementation may improve the gut barrier and reduce bloating.  

12 High-protein Vegetables To Add To Your Diet 

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