10 Reasons  - Why Sleep Loss Affects Weight Loss 


1. Disruption of Hormonal Balance 


Sleep loss alters hunger hormones including ghrelin and leptin. This imbalance might increase hunger and decrease meal enjoyment.  

2. Increased Cravings for Unhealthy Foods


Lack of sleep increases cravings for sweet, fatty, and high-calorie foods. It might cause overeating and hamper weight loss.  

3. Metabolic Slowdown 


Sleep loss slows metabolism, making calorie burning harder. This metabolic delay can decrease weight loss.  

4. Impaired Glucose Metabolism 


Sleep deprivation can cause insulin resistance, making blood sugar regulation tougher. This can cause weight gain and type 2 diabetes.  

5. Reduced Physical Activity 


Lack of sleep causes fatigue and low energy, reducing physical activities. This decreases calorie burn and hampers weight loss.  

6. Increased Cortisol Levels  


Stress hormone cortisol rises with sleep loss. High cortisol levels might cause belly weight gain.  

7. Poor Decision-Making 


Sleep deprivation impairs cognition and decision-making, causing overeating and poor dietary choices. This can hinder weight loss.  

8. Altered Gut Microbiota  


Sleep disruptions can disrupt gut bacteria, which regulates metabolism and weight.  

9. Promotion of Fat Storage  


Insufficient sleep may cause the body to store fat rather than burn it for energy, making weight reduction harder.  

10. Longer Time Exposed to Food Environment  


After sleep deprivation, longer awake hours provide more food exposure, which may increase calorie consumption, especially if unhealthy food is easily available.  

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