10 Easy Ideas To Stand Up To Slim Down


1. Take Short Walks 


Take short walks during the day instead of sitting for long amounts of time. This can be as easy as taking a 5-minute walk around the office or house.  

2. Use a Standing Desk 


If you can, switch your desk at work to one that lets you stand up. Being on your feet burns more calories than sitting, and it can also help your balance.  

3. Take the Stairs  


Try to take the steps instead of the elevator or escalator as much as possible. Taking the stairs is a great way to get your heart rate up and work out your legs.  

4. Desk Exercises  


Do easy exercises like leg lifts, seated marches, or desk squats at your desk every day. These can help you work out your muscles all day.  

5. Set Reminder Alarms 


Set an alarm on your computer or phone to go off every hour and tell you to get up and move around. This can keep you from sitting still for too long.  

6. Stretch Regularly 


Stretching should be a part of your practice. Stretching can help you become more flexible and can also help you burn some calories.  

7. Active Commuting 


If you can, walk or ride your bike to work. If the journey is too great, park further away from your workplace and walk the rest of the way.  

8. Lunchtime Walks 


Take a quick walk during part of your lunch break. This is good for you because it burns calories and gives you a break from your thoughts.  

9. Dance Breaks 


During the day, take short dance breaks. To get your heart rate up and have fun, put on your best music and dance for a while.  

10. Standing Meetings 


Suggest that talks be held while standing or walking instead of sitting down. This can help you stay busy and think of new ideas.  

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